From Love Affair to Trouble: A Scandal Uncovered in Dutchess County’s Ancient Documents

Preliminary Notes: While the transcription includes a few minor changes for readability, the original document following offers the opportunity to experience the events as witnessed and described by Christian Schultz in his original handwriting in 1761. Schultz lived on what is now known as Old Post Road south of the intersection with Hook Road; this photo I took in 2021 depicts a current view of the fields/forested areas that Schultz would have passed before he met Benjamin Kip.

And now, let’s hear the witness…

Affidavit: A Transcription

Affidavit of me, Christian Schultzs in the Love Affair formerly, but now Trouble depending between Marytje, daughter of Conrad Berringer, plaintiff and Benjamin Kip, defendant.

That in the Beginning of the Summer in the last past year, one Morning I went from my House downwards along the Post Road. When I came opposite the orchard of Mr. Johannes Kip, I see said Benjamin Kip coming towards me, bidding me a good Morning. And Said that he was glad that I came, or else he would have to come to my House and that he wanted a letter hath writt by me to New York. Asking him on what Contents and to what Person there- He answered: He wanted a License for to be married with said Marytje Gisselbregt. I wish him Joy and continual Contentment with his Sweet Heart etc. Then asked him to what Person I Should write. And that was to be his Security in New York on Account of Said License. He answered he did not know, but would talk to Wm. He and I and Wm. Ostrander should meet that day in the afternoon at his brother Jacob Kip about Affair, and so Parting I told him that Mr. Henry Shafer was gone. Express to Albany though he delivered me to call in by Said Marytje and talk with her about the Matter. I coming to Marytje I said I wish you Bride, Joy and Prosperity with your Bridegroom. She began to Smile asking who had told me So and if Ben Kip had been with me and we talking a few Minutes over met by the Way. Mr. Joh. Kip Sr. Bidding him a good Morning and asking how he and his Family did. He said every one came holy. I asked what is the Reason of it. He asked me if I had not heard, that Said Marytje Giss. proved to be with Child and that his Son Benj. would have her and marry her and all that He and Margriet did do, and could do, seemed to be ineffectual, and that he & said Margriet was most out of their wits about it since they could not eat nor Sleep for it. I told him that I was Sorry that it was So, But Since it was come So far I wish that thee said Parents would not take it so hard and Since while ___ would Marry one another I thought it for the best not to hinder such a good intention, but Mr. Joh. Kip not liking ______, we parted. In the Afternoon, Benjamin Kip, William Ostrander and I met afore appointed Place and after Some Deliberation, it was Fixed that William Ostrander was to go to N. York and while Ben. Kip and William Ostrander was agreeing about the Price and what said William Ostrander was to have for his Trouble, I was called home. And Some Days after delivered by the _____ _______ Parties to Enquire if no License was to be had in the Country, accordingly I spoke to Mr. Cranny Esq. & he told me not.

Evidence of Christian Shultz

Sworn and Taken before us May 1761

Petrus Ten Broeck

August Ten Eyck

Affidavit: The Original

Without the remainder of the court documents, we do not know the rest of the story.

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